I'm sorry but this just makes my blood boil.
The Pope will call on leaders of the Roman Catholic church today to attack feminist ideologies which assert that men and women are fundamentally the same.
The Vatican is concerned that this belief is eroding what it regards as women's maternal vocation.
According to this article, in regards to a leaked extract of the letter to bishops, feminists are "blurring the biological differences between man and woman." Also, because of woman's emancipation, they are "struggling to combine jobs, with their traditional roles of mothers, homemakers and carers."
Forgive me if I seem perturbed, but who in the hell determined these to be "traditional roles" but men in the first place? Now, this impotent little nothing wants to subjugate women further back to the dark ages? No thank you.
Two people marry, two people produce a baby. Why then is it up to only one of the two to care for the home, the baby/child, the parents (if necessary, and is often the case), and work? The idea of two people caring for each other, the home, the child(ren), the family is a relatively new idea, only a few generations old. Give it a chance. Don't stop encouraging both partners to take an active role in caring for the family and the home, because it's too new an idea, or they're too scared of change.